Conflict of Interest : USA vs Canada
Canadians aren't Saints, as much as I would like to believe it As all human beings are, we are deeply flawed and complex. Of course, we can't be perfect. Look at the amount of times we apologize and say sorry every day. Yesterday, I was buying groceries and it was very busy. I bumped into another shopper. I apologized. She didn't accept my apology and insisted she bumped into me and said sorry to me. We politely discussed this for a few minutes only to block an aisle in a very busy store. Soon both of us were bumping into people accidentally and saying sorry only to be told that they were the ones who were sorry. We all know stories of Canadians behaving badly. I remember there was a bet between then President Obama and Prime Minister Trudeau. It was a joke that the loser got Justin Bieber. Remember when Rob Ford was Mayor of Toronto. It would have been an opportunity for the rest of Canada to gang u...