
 It's been a while........... I think it was October.  I actually thought Trump might win and I lost all of my words.  I was scared there was going to be some sort of race war and perhaps a resurrection.  It was rough.  

Anyway, so, now what?  Now that I have a desire to write again, what should be first? For a social justice blogger, I have about 8000 ideas of blogs to cover.  I have even taken notes on blog ideas until I had too many and a headache.  

Regardless, the first blog after a long hiatus seems filled with pressure.  There are so many profound thoughts to be shared.  I will return gradually and not allow myself to be pressured by the return.  

So, for now, loss.  It is something we are all more than familiar with over the last year.  So many losses on so many levels.  

People losing loved ones without a chance to say good-bye.  It reminded me of losing my dad and when I lost him.  We left nothing unsaid and we got to hold his hand as he took his last breathes.  Some people don't have very good luck when choosing their dads but that was my superpower.  I picked the best dad ever.  We were such good friends and had so many laughs and so many tender moments.  He was always there for me.  I am eternally grateful.  The trade-off, I guess, is that he left this earth when I was 26.   I miss him terribly and wish I had more time with him.  

And, that's it for now.  No one could have predicted the devastating losses that we have all experienced over the last year.  Treasure those you love because you never know about the future.  And, don't spend time on relationships that you can lose without much sentiment.  You can't change people.  

If you know love, cherish it.  

We will talk again soon.  


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