I bet you think this blog is about you.......

Years ago, I dated a famous man.  How famous?   Well, once a year, an event happens that he is uniquely qualified to comment on and he comments on this event in both major newspapers in my province.  But, he really felt he was the big deal.  He felt like a celebrity and as a result, told me how fortunate I was to be dating him at every opportunity.  Actually, he told me in his actions rather than his words, that he was above me.  He had an air of superiority and that was evident not in how he treated me, but how he treated wait staff, etc.  Actually, he may have treated me badly, I just don't remember, but I sure remember how he treated others.

Nothing really happened to end the relationship.  I just stopped returning his calls and emails. I didn't have any interest in a relationship with someone that arrogant who only talked about himself and didn't take any time to get to know me.

As it happens, we found each other at the same place and the same time a few days ago.  I was prepared to do pleasant small talk when he started berating me.  He told me how lucky I was to have been with him, and I seriously blew it, and how he had a wonderful girlfriend now who was prettier than me, smarter than me, made more money than me, etc.  I wished him well.

Then, as I was walking away satisfied that he now had closure and I would never have to talk to him again, he called me back.  He told me that he knew I had a blog and if I ever blog about him, he would make sure I regretted it for the rest of my life.

I was shocked and stunned and couldn't respond.  Someone reads my blog !!!  I was thrilled.  He took my silence as fear and he walked away.

Like most people, when you tell me not to do something, I want to do it.  I couldn't wait to blog about him.  That was a few days ago.  I wanted to blog, but, the truth is I couldn't really remember anything about the relationship.  Which is odd, because I have a really good memory.  Basically, this man was insignificant to me.  Actually, if I hadn't have run into him, I would have forgotten him all together.

I feel bad for him.  I think he really wanted me to blog about him, but, there is just nothing to say.   Other than a comment on arrogance and what happens when we think we are better than people.   I have found that the most arrogant people are usually the most pathetic.  They are the most insecure of all and they tried to hide it behind arrogance.  They have deep issues of insecurity so they put on a persona where they think they are better.  They are doing this to reject people before they have a chance to reject them.  They lead very lonely lives.  They don't realize that everyone can see their truth and is laughing about them behind their backs.  They think that everyone wants to be like them; but in reality nobody does.  Their lives are so shallow.   It takes a lot of work to maintain that persona so they don't have anything left for meaningful relationships.  It is sad, really.

Everyone can learn something everyday.  If you are an adult, odds are you aren't learning in a classroom anymore; you are learning from people.   All people are valuable and have potential to teach you something.   Rejecting people out of your life only hurts you as you are missing out on the opportunity to learn something.

The brave people who are living their authentic truth are the ones who I am going to write about in my blog.


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