The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow....

Of course, this is the famous song from the musical Annie.  Annie experienced much hardship as an orphan yet was determined to be positive.  So, she adopted the philosophy that the promise of tomorrow was positive and as long as we believed in the positive, better things would happen. 

Yesterday, I felt so positive about the world knowing that the next generation is going to get things right.   While most adults in the USA were celebrating 44/45 Presidents, the Youth staged demonstrations all across the country advocating for gun control.   With a simple rallying cry, "Shame on You", this generation did something adults have been unable to do for a generation.  They called out the NRA and those who been influenced by the NRA 

My partner has been speaking in classrooms for students from Grade 7-9 for a couple of years about mental health.  This is a tough age group to get through to, yet, every time he does a talk, he literally walks out higher than a kite.  He is amazed at the profound thoughts of this generation and he can't believe how they embrace mental health and have great understanding of mental illness. 

The power of youth.  Powerful.  Positive.  Energizing.  What we desperately need.  A breath of fresh air. 


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