Now that was curling......Bronze Medal Game
It happened over 5 decades ago in Biggar, Saskatchewan. You know, New York is Big, but this is Biggar. The same small town that produced one of the greatest Canadians of all time, Sandra Schmirler.
My dad was new in town and did what you do when you want to meet people, he started curling. He saw my mom across the ice and said to the man he was curling with, "hey, do I know that red head's husband?" He was told that she wasn't married.
Again, according to legend, he did some detective work and found out that his secretary curled on a team with my mom. He asked his secretary to play sick and to say that her boss would spare for her. My mom told me that my dad arrived late and she was already irritated and then my dad walked into the rink. She was already on the ice and fell as her knees buckled. I still have the $2 bill that my dad wrote her phone number and address on. The rest is, as they say, history.
So, if it wasn't for curling, I wouldn't be here. I love the sport of curling. Many of my favorite childhood memories were spent in the curling rink. I remember my dad carrying me on his shoulders as we crossed the train tracks while we walked to the curling rink. I stole a lunch once at the curling rink when I was 3 or 4. It is a long story but I remember being introduced to someone in Dauphin when I was in my 40s. The person said, "oh yes, you were the one that stole that lunch." I thought, four decades later, and I still can't live this down. The curling rink was where I learned to laugh as my friend Michelle and I used to throw wet toilet papers balls on the ceiling. Why it was so funny, I still don't know, but I do have a signature laugh and that is where it was born.
I was thrilled to spend a week at the World Men's Curling Championship in Las Vegas. Curling has changed a lot since my parent's days, but I had hoped so much of the love for traditional curling would be on display.
And, it was, but, it wasn't. The majority of the volunteers were from Canada. I think about 120 of us and most of us just loved the game and loved the traditional curling values. But, the majority of the Canadian volunteers were decades older than I. It was sad reminder that the game I loved is aging out and curling has evolved into a business.
Then, I was able to meet my two favorite teams, the Koreans and the Scots. We met the Koreans when we checked in on Thursday two days before competition started. They were cute as buttons. The skip knew the least English but a smile is universal and he smiled all the time. When you asked for a picture, the Koreans would always ham it up. They enjoyed their whole experience and just loved throwing rocks. They were curlers first. Watch these young men. They will be around for a while. I would love the opportunity to billet them and I think they would love that too. Just nice young men. I was pleased to talk to them every day of my experience.
I saw David Murdoch walk towards me among a group of young men. I couldn't help it. I always have felt that David Murdoch is the sexiest man alive so I had to tell him. He didn't even miss a beat and said that we must have a cuddle. We could only talk a few minutes because the boys were waiting for him, but it was a thrill of a lifetime. The first evening draw was Canada vs Scotland.
That is when I saw cutie pututie Hammy McMillan, Jr. and was introduced to the Scottish fans. First of all, the whole Scottish team is cute. They are young guys who just love to curl. Curlers first. They were so unaffected and up or down, never lost their smiles or enthusiasm. Well, except for Bruce Mouat, the Skip. I wondered if he was capable of smiling. Then, one early morning, I saw him smile. I was heading to my room at about 1 am and there was Bruce hugging a young lady wearing his team jacket. I don't know if it was his wife or his girlfriend but he was sure smiling from ear to ear. When you are in Vegas, you should be smiling and hugging your girl at 1 am. There was just something about Hammie, though. The camera loved this young man for good reason. The perma-smile never left his face. It was a little cold in the arena so one night we left at 5th end break. There was my little Hammie out taking a jog around the parking lot to warm up. He stopped when he saw me as he knew I liked his father. "Have you met me dad yet?" he asked. Not yet. Well, be sure to find me so I can introduce you. Now, that is curling.
And, the Scottish fans. Well, I will be honest. At first they annoyed me. They sang the sappiest songs over and over. "What a pair of sweepers we have got" and "Nice shot, Hammie, nice shot!" My favorite was, "we are.....we are......Scotland!" But, then I started to love their loyalty and unbridled enthusiasm. They were always having a good time. It was pretty cool trying to get a tan pool side laying next to an older gentleman wearing just a kilt. Having a good time, that is what curling is about for me.
So, my two favorite teams played for bronze. The score doesn't do justice to what an amazing technical game both teams played. All 8 deliveries were technically great. The game was really over after the 6th end but they were required to play 8. I think that even if they didn't have to play 8, the Koreans still would have. They just love throwing rocks and they didn't care if they were being beat, they just wanted to prolong the experience. Also, some of the team wasn't 21 so they couldn't go to the casino anyway.
The sportsmanship displayed during the 8th end was worth the price of admission. Forget spinarama, the Korean third had a move that looked physically impossible. The Scottish fans were about to boo their skip if he threw a normal rock. So, he came up with this Chuck Berry delivery. So amazing. And then Bruce stopped the last Korean rock on the pin. Great show.
Now, that was curling. The curling that I grew up loving. Today, they were playing for bronze but keep your eyes on these boys. They will be playing for gold soon enough.
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