Show Me The Money

Another story about Brian Pallister's vacation home in Costa Rica has emerged.  This time, apparently he has not paid luxury tax in over 10 years.  In fairness to the man who calls himself Premier of the great province of Manitoba, he and his wife do not believe the home qualifies for the luxury tax.  Of course, I have never seen this shack in person but people who have seen it describe it from everything from a quaint cottage to a mansion.  I really have no idea but I think as a general rule of thumb is that if you have armed security 24/7, it probably should be considered a luxury home.

Some Manitobans are bothered by the amount of time he spends there relaxing with only his wife's cell phone to be in touch with Manitoba.  I, for one, would prefer he spend more time there than being in Manitoba.  I've seen his policies.  Stay away as long as possible.

However, he has this property and he has the most expensive house in Winnipeg.  So, he has a few bucks.

I have a few questions about this.  He is very proud of his career in elected public life.  He should be proud of this.  However, any elected official will tell you that they are not doing this for the money.  They feel a calling to do this work.  So, as Premier of a Have Not Province or even as a Member of Parliament, he is not pulling in enough bucks to have millions in real estate.  Prior to that, he was a Union Leader, again noble work but you are not going to get rich doing it, and prior to that, he was a teacher.  Again, laudable work but not millionaire worthy.

So, where did the money come from to enjoy the lifestyle that his family enjoys?

It just doesn't add up to me.  Perhaps I am just being nosy, but, he is our elected official and this source of money could speak to his character.  By not knowing the source of his wealth, people could start assuming things.  Horrible things such as taking a pay-off or two or fifty along the way.  Of course, I don't believe that is the case but you can see how people might make that assumption.

I am sure he made his fortune from wise investments.  By disclosing the sources of his wealth, perhaps that could benefit all Manitobans as we could learn from his wisdom.  I sure hope that while he is vacationing in Costa Rica he decides to write a book on investing.  I know he is busy maintaining his body in athletic condition but Manitobans would love to know the secret of his wisdom.



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