It is not really about Roe Vs Wade
My husband and I like to have ethical discussions. Whenever he brings up the subject of abortion, I stop him and don't want to talk to him about it. I tell him it is just a fundamental rule that I follow. I don't debate or discuss abortions with anyone who doesn't have a uterus.
Regardless, when Kavanaugh was confirmed, he brought up Roe Vs. Wade and asked if we should be worried about it being overturned. Relax, I said. That is not how the Supreme Court works. It doesn't just pick a law and overturn it. The Supreme Court only rules on cases before them and getting a case before the Supreme Court is not an easy or quick process. Plus, Supreme Court Justices are so incredibly busy, it is inconceivable that they would even think on weighing in on a matter that wasn't even before them.
And, I told him roughly the same thing that every Conservative Justice said at their confirmation hearings. Roe vs Wade was decided in 1971 and had been challenged many times and precedence showed that it was upheld every single time. There was no legal reason to think that it would not be upheld.
Yes, they all said roughly that.
Until Amy Coney Barrett. She said nothing about nothing. It didn't matter what she was asked, she said nothing. Just that, if confirmed, she would follow the law. I didn't know if that strategy was foolish or brilliant on her part.
My husband brought up Roe vs Wade again. Again, I told him to relax about Roe vs Wade. Of course, I was concerned about the Conservative majority on the Court, but respected the Justices to do their jobs and have the legal integrity to "stay in their lane."
And, now, what I said would never happen has happened. Five Justices got together and Justice Alito has written a draft opinion to repeal Roe. To be clear, there is long way between this document being leaked and Roe being repealed, but, this is just awful on so many levels.
First of all, I fear for America today. Protests on both sides of the issue will be happening and we have seen how divided that nation is and what can happen at protests. Sadly, I don't think it is a stretch to think that anyone is safe. Frankly, we just don't know what can happen.
Secondly, this leak has taken the war in Ukraine out of the headlines. This is dangerous for the whole world. This war is not just about Ukraine, it is about democracy. We stop focusing on Ukraine and helping them maintain their sovereignty and there will be widespread global consequences.
Thirdly, if they can just come up with a plot to repeal Roe, what is stopping them from going further. What other civil liberties are up for repeal? Most of these Justices specifically said they would uphold the precedence of Roe vs Wade, and now they aren't? If you can't trust the integrity of a Supreme Court Justice, honestly, the USA is in trouble. Since it is the superpower of the world, we all are in trouble. You think Big Brother is a factor in our lives now, I shudder to think. We are stepping back in time to the 1960s, we are really stepping back in time to Orwell's 1984.
Finally, this is really about white male privilege. It is simple as that. Clarence Thomas is more than an Uncle Tom, he is about as aligned to the white male privilege agenda as one can get. Amy Coney-Barrett has portrayed herself as a fan of the Handmaiden's Tale. If you are a poor person of colour, you are vulnerable. Don't worry, progressives are right behind you.
We are all in trouble.
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