Letting it Go........Something Trump Will Never Do

Notice the crap on top of my china cabinet?  I can't stand any of it.  I don't like looking at it and like being in denial that it exists.  Fortunately, I am quite short, so my eye level is very much lower so I can actually go days without looking at it.  So, why is this stuff up there.  Well, my partner moved in, he put these items up there.  I was not in the least bit happy, but, I smiled and said "great" when he showed me this display.  Essentially, it wasn't worth fighting over.  I love my partner more than I wanted to waste energy fighting a fight not worth it.  Plus, it was important to me for him to put his own touches to make our home "our" home. 

A couple of weeks ago, my partner was having a facetime conversation with a loved one in hospital. He happened to be sitting in a chair where a portion of the china cabinet was in view.  The loved one asked my partner why some wine glasses weren't on display and the first reaction was to blame me for not allowing them to be displayed.  The loved one referred to me with an adjective and it wasn't adorable.  Then, the loved one referred to my partner by an unflattering noun.  My partner stated these glasses were long gone before I came along but the loved one refused to believe any scenario that was not my fault. The conversation was not pleasant for either of them.  The loved one was in the hospital for a reason and having this frenzied conversation likely didn't contribute to her overall health.  As soon as the conversation ended, my partner blamed me for making him call this loved one.  That was ok because despite that most of their conversations appear to be unsatisfactory for both, I still insist he calls his loved one regularly.

But, I had to know more about these glasses.  Apparently, they were purchased in Europe and made with a special sand that only occurred in this one spot on Earth.  (It sounded like a CSI episode)  The loved one had tried to sell them on consignment to a collectibles dealer and was told they had no resale value as he already had more than he could ever sell.  He started giving boxes of them away to thrift shops just to get rid of them.  So, that is how my partner acquired them.  He ended up giving them to an ex-girlfriend who liked them. 

I feel sorry for this loved one who assumes that everything bad that happens is somehow my fault.  To be honest, I wanted to phone her back and show her the crap on top of the china cabinet to show that he could display whatever he wanted.  But, that would serve no purpose.  I just had to let it go. 

Deep breathe.  Don't respond.  This is a small example, but I know everyone knows what I mean.  Sometimes inaction is a better intervention than action.  We all have those instances where we have to swallow a bitter bit. 

I am actually glad that Trump doesn't know how to do this.  Yesterday, Colin Powell made some unflattering comments about the President and said that he was planning on voting for Joe Biden.  Now, I remember Colin Powell, but there is a whole generation about me that probably does not.  His comments weren't widely reported.  Trump should have just let it go.  But, he just can't.  He fired back, going really low, verbally attacking the former Secretary of State. For what purpose?  He only drew attention to the initial comments about him. 

If he ends up attacking every person that ever questioned or disagreed with him, he likely will end of counter-attacking every person who does not share his surname.  He can't help it.  He just can't let anything go. 

Hopefully, more and more people speak out for him to spar against for the next 160 days.  The only way for his base to be alienated is for him to do it himself. 



  1. Trump reminds me of a book I had when I was a kid. It was a huge book about vampires. There was everything you wanted to know. Vampires in fiction, from different countries, etc. But the part that got me was their weaknesses. One weakness of a Slavic vampire was their compulsion to COUNT. The book said that if you wanted to escape this vampire then you needed to throw something at it that could be counted. Pebbles, beans, rice, etc. The vampire could not pass without stopping to COUNT EVERYTHING that was in his path. And that's Trump! This vampires main mission of the night was to find FOOD! But instead he WASTED TIME COUNTING EVERYTHING! By sunrise he was one HUNGRY vampire! Trump should be running the country NOT answering every little diss said about him! But he's the world's oldest two year old, smh


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