Draconian Labour Laws


I know I should be more upset about the new labour laws introduced by our Provincial Conservatives, but, I am just not.  Of course, I am appalled by their timing which is simply tone deaf.  We are fighting a pandemic and but doing a good job at present.  That should be our only focus right now. Quite frankly, the new restrictions put in place are going to significantly affect unionized workers. The new restrictions put in place are a result of us not adhering to basic public health guidelines.  

But, what do we expect?  This is the same government whose Health Minister won't denounce an anti-mask group when the non-partisan Chief Provincial Health Officer is telling us that we need to get back to basics and wear a mask.  Again, the Health Minister.  The Health Minister not the Economic Development Minister.  Not that would be any less inappropriate but the Health Minister should at least pretend to care about health.  

Regardless, I am not very upset about these new labour laws.  Mostly because I am old and have lived history.  Mike Harris swept Ontario in 1995 with his Common Sense Revolution (very different from my common sense revolution).  He did everything he could to erode organized labour.  Mike Harris ended up resigning mid-way through his second term.  Organized labour is a very important collective value in Canadian society.  It is not going away, regardless of what Pallister's Team does.  If they don't want to realize this, then they will just bear the consequences.  

The reality is they are choosing to introduce these measures now in the midst of a pandemic will also have consequences. 

Mike Harris is now a tough trivia question. Hardly anyone, other than us old farts, remember him. Interestingly, his father owned a ski hill and that working there was his first job.  On an unrelated note, anyone know how Fun Mountain is doing and when it will be up for sale?  


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