Me to Amy Coney Barrett: Do I look fat in these pants?


Don't hate me because I am beautiful.  Yeah, I am beautiful, especially to the two people who opinion of me matter the most to me; my grandson and me.  So, I am not insecure about who I am, I am beautiful.  But, I am also fat.  It is not subject to opinion.  It is science.  It is my body mass index.  My husband's mother opines about how fat I am, and this gives her some sort of happiness, so bless her.  But, it is only helpful to her.  It doesn't matter how fat I am, I am fat.  I am trying to do something about it but my health sake, but even if I jettison 100 or more lbs, I will still be beautiful.  My self-esteem is not defined by my weight.  However, again, I am fat.  

So, if I ask anyone if I look fat in these pants, I answer should be yes.  The reason I look fat is because I am fat.  

But, if I asked Amy Coney Barrett, apparently a genius-level mind, if I looked fat in these pants, she would say that she hasn't formed an opinion.  

She may high a very IQ but she certainly has no class. If she had class, she would ask for her nomination hearings be put on hold until after November 3.  If her confirmation continues, she will be forever have a footnote attached to her.  She was Trump's nomination less than 50 days before election.  

She proudly holds up a blank pad of paper to show that she is not bringing any material to help her answer the Senate's questions.  She thinks that shows she is smart.  That shows me she is arrogant and not showing these hearings the respect that they deserve.  For goodness sake, she is "applying" to work at the Supreme Court not "Applebee's".  I think that is the fundamental thing wrong in the US right now.  Lack of respect.  On both sides.  

Sides.  Why is everything a "side".  I can't tell you how many "discussions" I have had on Messenger other the last few months with friends that have blown my mind.  I admit, I am shocked that I have so many friends that have so many divergent views.  Let me phrase that.  I have always had friends with divergent views.  My best friend in high school and I had the same debates almost every day for three years.  But, we always respected each other.  There is a different tone these days.  It is nasty.  I admit to not being a good example today.  To this day, I still can't respect those who didn't support the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre.  But, it is not because they didn't support Bruce Oake Recovery Centre, it is because of some of the disrespectful and hurtful points they made.  It is one thing to have an opinion, it is another to use that opinion to deliberately inflict pain on others.  

"Sides" exist at a state that never happened before.  That is on Trump.  Whatever "side" you are on, the man has encouraged and empowered people to have a "side" on everything.  Whatever happened to working together towards a common goal?  Doesn't seem to exist much anymore.  

So, this is what we have now.  Amy Coney Barrett refusing to take a "side" on anything.  She has adopted the pat answer that they can't make a legal opinion on anything.  

Why is everything subject to a "side".  She can't commit to the principle of a peaceful transition of power. Is this really something that needs a "side" or is it actually one of the cornerstones of democracy.  Everyone should agree on this.  

But, we don't agree on basic common sense things.  Things that shouldn't be the subject of debate.  Amy Coney Barrett, and all of you, should be able to look me in the eye and say that I look fat in these pants.  


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