What Taylor Should Say to Energy 106


Do you know Taylor Lakhyrst?  You should.  Follow her on twitter.  It will make you feel good about life.  I haven't had the pleasure of meeting her, but she represents so much of what brings me joy.  She is a young woman who is fearless and passionate while marching forward on her personal journey.  We need more people to be passionate.  We need more people engaged with the world around her.  

She is on my radar because she is doing everything in her power to hold Energy 106, and its advertisers, accountable for this horrific decision to hire the fucktard masquerading as a human being with the initials DW.  She is pretty relentless. That is great but not only is she relentless, she is approaching this intelligently and thoughtfully.  She is better than I am.  She continues to try and engage 106 in a dialogue about this looking for solutions.   Again, better than I am. There is nothing 106 can do to get me back (or in this case, get me).  

However, Taylor asked her twitter followers to provide her some input about what she should say during an upcoming meeting with this company's executives.  I want to honour Taylor and will provide a few thoughts.  

1.  Even stupider than hiring Wheeler is publicly stating the reasons why they hired Wheeler.  They said their business was struggling so they wanted a "shock jock" to hopefully ignite ratings and advertising revenue.  Can't get past that. Putting revenue above hurting the community. That is not a successful business strategy.  Even in these horrible economic times, it is much more important to be a good corporate citizen that puts people and principles ahead of profits.  As foreign as it may sound to 106, you become more successful by being principled.  Economically, the only way back is to fire DW.  Try to regain some principle. 

2. 106 keeps defending DW as a changed man.  I don't believe it, however, curious to know your evidence of this change?  Let DW speak for himself or act for himself.  Why is the onus on Taylor, and others, to prove to you that DW is an asshat?  It should be the other way around.  What is he doing to show us he has changed?  Is he volunteering at Rainbow Resource Centre?  (Or, anywhere else.  Does he do anything that benefits anyone but himself)  Is he correcting the narrative about him that he created?  Has he engaged in negotiations with Rainbow Resource about on-going financial support of the Centre?  He needs to do this, and at a minimum, needs to devote atleast one hour a week to the subject of human rights. He needs to educate himself and his listeners (both of them).  

3.  I write a social justice blog in Winnipeg.  I would love the opportunity to interview DW for a blog entry.  (Forewarned I promise a positive entry for anyone that allows me to interview them for a blog entry.)  So, this would really test my ability as a writer. I think DW should demonstrate interest in making himself available to people who want to hear from him directly.  He needs all the outreach he can get.  

Again, I know Taylor has this already.  As a follower and a supporter, all I can do is have her back.  And, I do.  

It is not her that should be preparing........


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