Really Needing a Boost Today

You ever have one of those days?  You know when you need some positive sign from the universe?  Well, I wish I was having one of those days.  I seem to be having one of those lives !!  I know I have a lot to be grateful for, but when you have one of those days, you need to really search for something. 

I've been wallowing all morning.  It is my parent's wedding anniversary today and I think I am missing them something awful today.  I've just been searching for something to get me out of this funk.  Well, that isn't exactly true.  I haven't been searching that hard.  I've been content wallowing in my pity party.  I have wanted to keep that going.  Quite frankly, it takes less energy to wallow than it does to do something positive. 

Ok, here is where things get tricky.  For the past two weeks, I was looking for my favorite jeans.  I couldn't find them.  My sweetie tried to help this past weekend.  He found a pair of jeans in a drawer.  There was a reason I put them in a drawer.  There is no way that I could fit into these jeans.  And, they were not the jeans I was looking for.  I ended up finding my favorite jeans hung up under a pair of black pants.  Still, my sweetie left the other jeans on the dresser.  I didn't even have the energy to put them back.  No, that is not true either.  I wanted to see them, taunting me, reminding me how much weight I have gained, I left them there to continue to wallow. 

So, since I was feeling like a complete failure anyway, I thought I might as well keep going on this path.  I was going to try on these jeans that would never fit in a million years.  And, guess what, I did have to do the old adolescent trick of lying on the bed to do them up, but they fit !!!  I am wearing them !!  They are not flattering, so I'm not going to take a pictures, but, trust me, they are on !!!

I was so excited and even my perfect grandson was excited and danced around with me.  Then, I didn't know why I needed to look.  The boost I was looking for was there all the time.  My perfect grandson.  I know my parents would have given anything to hug him so I am going to do that for them. 

It is just common sense, but it is hard to remember when you are overwhelemed with heavy depression.  If you are looking for what is wrong, you can find it.  If you are looking for what is right, you can fiind that, too.  The only challenge is deciding what to look for. 


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