The younger generation have a whole set of letters put together in abbreviations. Idk, smh, lmao, fml, etc.
My generation has a different set of letters that we all know. OA, GERD, Ca, COPD, NIDDM, HTN, Afib, to name just a few. These are all medical diagnoses. When we were younger, SOB meant something to us and now it means Shortness of Breathe.
There is also a new abbreviation that some are afflicted with, the dreaded SIB. Son In Basement.
I am lucky. My son is very independent and making a great life for himself in Vancouver. I worry all the time but he loves the challenges.
It usually starts gradually. The SIB wants to save money or pay off student loans. And, then, before you know it, they realize that life is so much freer without bills and it is nice coming and going when you please and always having access to a stocked refrigerator. Those that are lucky often get laundry thrown in as a bonus. Before you know it, your SIB is 40 years old and you are trapped. Ask how well that worked out for a couple in the States.
Of course, every situation is different and I am not meaning to judge. However, there is a certain set of life skills that one develops only by living independently. You have to live on a budget, you have to plan, you have to be responsible for multiple things. You are your own safety net. It is called life.
All that I know for sure if that I don't want a SIB representing my interests at City Council.
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