Voting in Advance Poll Today

Busy day today.  One of the things that I will be doing is voting in the advance poll for the Civic Election.

Voting is important.  It is the one way that we can also show that we value Canada and democracy, by participating in the process.  My father was a Veteran of WW2.  He maintained it was the British Spitfire plane that was responsible for defeat of the Nazis.  I am not a historian, but my dad called me Spitfire or Spit for short.  My dad believed in the Spitfire and felt it had a direct link to the liberties we share today.  I'm willing to believe him.  Regardless, we have democracy and free speech and a whole heck of a lot of freedoms.  All that we are asked to do is vote.  I would hope that people vote after assessing all candidates with some critical thinking.

I am not going to disclose who I am supporting for Mayor.  I am actually torn between two candidates, one who has a chance to win, and one who has inspired me with his passion.

It is an easy vote for me to vote for my City Councilor.  One person running is opposed to the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre.  In addition to that, he has displayed poor judgement on a number of issues.  I don't like his literature and I don't like his record and I don't like the character he has displayed.  This is his sixth time running for Council.  He was elected on his 5th try.  Probably a sympathy vote but when I look at his record, I don't see that he did anything with the position that he apparently coveted.

The second person running is a young man who is running to get his name out there in order to springboard himself into other political arenas.  He doesn't live in my Ward and that is important to me.  Also, I have reached out to him several times on social media to ask some questions and have not gotten a response.  I get it, he is young, and has better things to do than campaign,  In fairness, I am not going to vote for him anyway.

So, I am casting my vote for Scott Gillingham.  That was never in question.  He actually has a platform and he actually has a record for him to stand on.  He actually accomplished things during his term.  He has displayed quiet leadership over the last four years.  By that, I mean, he has done good work without jumping up and down telling us he has what he does.  He has let his good work speak for itself.  I admire that.

So, he had my vote anyway, but, then he knocked on my door.  (Only candidate who has.)  He is an amazing warm man who is obviously coming from a place of compassionate kindness.  Despite that he had me at hello, he talked with me for a long time.  He answered my questions honestly and frankly and without the censoring that usually comes with politicians.  It was obvious that he cared.  Also, he has vision.  He can see how actions today will have consequences four years down the road.  I admire that visionary thinking.  A few minutes after he left, he sent me an email to provide further information to a question I asked.  Now, that is first class.

So, why am I holding his sign instead of displaying it outside.  It was just for a minute and it is now back on my balcony.  But, after the election is over, I am going to keep it.  I think I will be needing it again four years from now.


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