Steph Meilleur - Why She is Dangerous
The #MeToo Movement has changed society for the better, and in my opinion, decades too late. However, it hopefully will make a difference to the next generation and society won't be subjected to treatment that my generation accepted as being normal. Yes, I am passionate about this issue because something happened to #MeToo.
Unfortunately, every time someone comes forward with their story, there is someone who brings up false allegations. How can we believe women when they have heard of a false allegation? Yes, very small insignificant percentage makes a false allegation. It is tiring when a woman comes forward to have others dismiss her allegation.
Cyber bullying is another real issue that deserves attention. Unfortunately, the person who is taking on this issue and trying to bring attention to it is the First Lady of the United States. Given who she is married to, she doesn't have much credibility on this issue. In her first press conference where she announced that this would be her platform, the press spontaneously burst out in laughter. I give her credit for moving forward. Cyber bullying is a serious issue with serious consequences. It needs our attention.
There was an article in the Winnipeg Free Press yesterday about Steph Meilleur, candidate for Fort Rouge - East Fort Garry. It suggested she used her job as Osborne Biz ED to advance her campaign. It was pointed out that this was a conflict of interest. The article proved the conflict beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Of course, Steph was asked for a comment. She said she is a victim of cyber bullying. This is not cyber bullying. This is a legitimate conflict of interest. Of major concern to many living in the Ward is the issue that she does not live in the city and does not pay city taxes. She lives outside of the city in Warren. She notes that people are making a big deal of this and calls that cyber-bullying. It is not cyber-bullying, it is an election issue.
Essentially, anyone who asks her a question which she is not comfortable answering is accused of cyber-bullying by her. This is dangerous. The same way that the (very rare) false allegation hurts the #MeToo movement, she is hurting the people who are victims of actual cyber-bullying.
The actual victims of cyber-bullying aren't out running negative political campaigns. They are typically teenagers who are afraid to leave their home or go to school because of intense cyber-bullying. The victims of cyber-bullying need our help, our attention, and our empathy.
Steph Meilleur needs to answer for her actions.
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