Day 11 of Federal Election

This past week has been interesting in the federal election, of course, it has been dominated in the news by Trudeau brown/black face scandal.  The media has seemingly moved on.  What I have found in my informal poll based on my posts and tweets is that people who supported Justin Trudeau still are and people who didn't still don't. 

For the record, it wasn't a different time.  It was 2001.  He was 29.  We have all done stupid things in our youth.  By 25, most of us have our moral compass fully established.  Granted, he did have layers of privilege and his father was a narcissist.  His mother is a narcissist.  He grew up entitled.  Anyone who thinks that he didn't envision a life in politics is deluding themselves. 

Trevor Noah did the best job of making fun of this.  He mocked what I find most disturbing.  It wasn't just his face, it was every part of his body.  That must have taken some time.  Like a long time.  During that time when he was preparing for those events, he must have had several moments to reflect. 

I did felt his apologies sincere, however, I have also found most of what he has said to be sincere.  He is a great politician since he seems to be able to drum up appropriate emotions on cue.  I am not saying he is acting, but he has a remarkable political sense for what is appropriate. 

Another thing that I find disturbing is that this story first appeared on American media.  I am normally not a conspiracy theorist, but it makes me wonder why the Canadian media weren't looking at this.  It makes me wonder what else the Canadian media are looking the other way on. 

It is embarrassing as a country when Donald Trump issues disappointment in a Canadian leader. 

I remain undecided and I will be voting on which candidate in my constituency will best represent my interests. 

Last evening, I happened to attend an event in a "very bad neighbourhood".  I went for a short walk.  I encountered a man who was spiraling on meth.  Literally spiraling.  I was worried about him so I kept my eye on him as he just weaved back and forth.  I kept my distance because I also was frightened.  He was wearing jeans that didn't fit and were just a couple of inches above his knees.  He was wearing a long shirt and carrying two garbage bags.  He didn't appear to have anywhere to go. He was hanging around a 7/11 and tried to enter a few times and was turned away.  I am making assumptions but it looked like poverty, addiction, food insecurity, and lack of a positive support group.  I can understand why he wanted a fix to just forget his reality.  How does this happen?  It is complicated issue to solve but this is not my Canada.  I want more discussion how we can help those who need help.  And, it is not just government.  We need a plan where we all work together to solve the profound problems that simply should not exist. 


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