Apparently, he is not as bad as we think.........

One of my friends asked this question, "Why would the Ontario PCs elect a Trump clone?"  Good question.  I think most of the country assumed that Doug Ford was a joke candidate in the PC Leadership race.  I guess everyone thought that except members of the Ontario PC party.

The reality is now he is going to lead the PC Party in the June Ontario election.  I would think Kathleen Wynne would be celebrating. 

All of us remember when his brother was Mayor of Toronto.   Many of us would like to forget that embarrassment. His antics made Canada a joke around the world.  And, there was Doug Ford, standing beside his brother, Rob, and defending him.  They look very similar, and they seemed to talk very similar.  Not really caring about the impact of their actions, but just doing things they wanted to do.   Doug Ford came across as arrogant and lacking empathy. 

And, now is running to be Premier. 

After a chaotic night when the vote was so close that lawyers and party officials couldn't declare a winner and had to send people home from the convention hall.   These people had come to party, had come to unite, had come to show the rest of Ontario that they were strong, despite getting past Patrick Brown.  It was a showcase of the party at its worst.

Even today, there is a suggestion that the second place candidate was going to mount a legal challenge.  This with only 88 days to the election. 

Yet, as I was watching this drama unfold, it was the journalists who were providing some commentary.  Their commentary was that "he is not as bad as we think". 

Apparently, he is not like his brother.  He is milder and more disciplined.  He has managed to have an inner circle of very smart advisers that he actually listens to.  Yes, he is a populist candidate, but, oddly enough, most of his popularity comes from immigrants.  Apparently, he is thoughtful and charming.  He actually enjoys talking to people and learning from them, and he is not arrogant. 

Time well tell, but it will be interesting.


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