Not Tillerson

Rex Tillerson seemed to be the one shining star in the Trump Administration.  After all, he did call his boss a moron.  

The thing that made Tillerson a star as Secretary of State was that he seemed to be focused on doing the right thing independent of his unpredictable President.  I think that was his demise.  

Canada has definitely lost an allay in Tillerson in the Free Trade Agreement talks.  Now, there is no barrier to doing what Trump has suggested which is tear up the Agreement.  In a blistering, seemingly nonsense speech on Saturday in Pittsburgh Trump told the audience how Canada had been taking advantage of the US for decades.  Trump talked for over an hour before he even mentioned the candidate that he was there to support.  After that, the candidates approval rating went up.  Trump took the credit.  He actually thinks he is invincible.  

Most of the pundits wonder why he seems so intent on pissing off Canada.  We wonder too.  

Tillerson and our Minister of Foreign Affairs hosting a very successful summit in Vancouver on how to respond to North Korea.  A week or so later, Trump announced he was going to meet his "little rocket man" face to face.  

He is such a meglomaniac, he can't stand anyone getting credit for anything.  It all has to be about him.  

I know such a person in real life.  He sucks the oxygen out of any room he is in.  No one challenges him anymore because no one wants to waste their time.  He literally sucks the life out of everyone around him.  Of course, he pales in comparison to Trump.  

Since I comment a lot on Trump's tweets, I decided to follow him on twitter so I would see them quicker.  What I found is that he is constantly tweeting at all hours and only a small fraction of his tweets are reported upon.  He was sucking the battery power out of my phone.  

But, of course, I look forward to only one tweet.  It would be from FLOTUS indicating that she has found someone, anyone to replace POTUS.   


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