Po Po Justin - Can't Do Anything Right

Justin Trudeau was caught jogging in Toronto yesterday.  This made national headlines for a few reasons. 

The first one was that he was shirtless.  So, this fact got mixed reviews.  The people who find him physically attractive were all for this and were proud that our leader has such a bod.  Others found this inappropriate for a Prime Minister.  He shouldn't be displaying skin or he won't be taken seriously.  I think it is important to recognize that even though he is our Prime Minister, he still is a human being.  It was not as if he invited the press and announced that he would be jogging shirtless.  It was a private act caught by several people on their phones.  He should expect some reasonable privacy and allowance to participate in activities of his choosing.  I don't know if it is really our business if he wore sunscreen or not.  He was wearing a hat.  

The second reason that this made news was because it was approximately 43 degrees Celsius with the humidex when he made the run.  People have suggested that, in light of the devastating deaths in Quebec attributed to the heat, he should not have chosen to run in the afternoon.  Also, even though he ran solo, his security detail trailed him in SUVs.  People are suggesting this was a wasteful use of environmental resources.  Well, he was actually jogging after a meeting with Premier Doug Ford.  I can't imagine meeting with Doug Ford and not needing some activity to blow off steam.  What would we prefer?  Would we rather have him go to a bar and get drunk on tequila shots?  Going for a jog does seem reasonable.  

The third reason this made news was some people suggest that he runs like a girl.  Whatever that means.  Poor guy.  Atleast he is trying to be healthy and keep fit.  It is not like he is the type of leader that unhealthily stays up all night tweeting and stuffing his face with Big Macs.  

Justin certainly has had a rough month.  He apparently is leading Canada in a pissing match with the USA.  It is like having a fight with your partner.  You either both win or you both lose.  Except, in this case, your partner is 100 times bigger and stronger and stubborner.  Any way this ends, Canada loses.  

Also, the self-proclaimed Feminist-In-Chief has had an allegation of inappropriateness 16 years ago.  It has been a problem for him since he has led a zero-tolerance policy for members of his own Party.  If an allegation is made, you are guilty, no exceptions because no one would make this up.  Now, what?  He denied remembering the incident but the story would not go away.  

Thank goodness for Doug Ford being Premier of Ontario to take that story off the headline pages and focus on his outrageous actions.  You know it is bad when you are Justin Trudeau and you are happy that Doug Ford is Premier of Ontario.  

I am sure he is shaking his head wondering why all of a sudden he is playing the part of villain when just a year ago, he was a media darling.  I can explain it.  The problem is that he decided that he wanted to be perfect and never offend anyone and always do the ethical thing.  Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a perfect human and we are all deeply flawed.  However, he has painted himself into an impossible corner.  He may not be able to run his way out of this one.   


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