Trump Performs Miracle

Who would ever think this was possible?  FOX News is pledging solidarity with their colleagues of CNN and the two news organizations are united over the issue of journalistic integrity and a free press.  (I just reread that sentence and it is actually quite amusing.)

There is only one man who could accomplish this and that is President Trump. 

It was a relatively typical day at the White House.  Trump was meeting with people and after the meeting, the press is invited for a photo opportunity and then a further opportunity at the Rose Garden.  When such events happen, the press corps assigns one reporter to be the "pool reporter."  This means that they are not expecting the President to give a statement or interact with the media, however, they are hoping for some sort of interaction or comments by the President.  The press gives it a try through the pool reporter.  That reporter asks the questions of the day in an effort to get a response.  The press think that they will have more chance to get a response if one person is shouting out a question rather than just mayhem.  

So, the pool reporter, who happened to be from CNN, was shouting out the questions of the day which were about the Michael Cohen tape.  She was actually doing her job.  Trump didn't answer, however, at the end of the photo opportunity, he asked his aides to not allow her to attend the Rose Garden event.  Essentially meaning that the press weren't represented at the event.  

All media are standing together stating this was wrong.  I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to death defending your right to say it, that kind of thing.  FOX news defending and supporting CNN.  It really is a miracle.  

What a hopeful sign.  Perhaps if FOX can respond to the current administration with blind following and can report on his activities on an issue by issue basis, maybe his followers can also accept the signal to remove the blinders.  


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