Message to Media: Never Consider Fletcher

One of the worst parts of watching the election coverage was watching the partisan commentators telling us what was obvious.  Most of those "commentators" were recycled old politicians.  I want to appeal directly to our local media to never consider Steven Fletcher. 

I certainly hope he has lost any credibility he once may have had.  I also hope he has finally gotten the message that his type of politics is not what people will vote for.  I hope he understands that, for whatever reason, he just can't get along with people.  But, it is more than that.  For some reason, he engages in politics that incites fear into the vulnerable and he looks to benefit personally from that fear. 

I don't think he should ever be forgiven for his opposition to the BORC.  And, it wasn't just that he was opposed to it.  It was how he kept changing his reasons why he didn't support the project and he kept planting ridiculous notions in people's heads.  There is one thing that I have learned about the opiod crisis.  And, that is that it is real.  It is real and is in every corner of our society.  The legal system doesn't have the resources to deal with it, and even if they did, they are not the solution.  The solutions are prevention, intervention, and post-vention.  Prevention in the way of education.  Post-vention in after-care and supports.  Intervention in the form of treatment.  We have just lost too many lives of people who wanted treatment and it wasn't available. 

One of the lights we lost was Bruce Oake.  His family has shown nothing but selfless grace and bravery in exposing their lives to everyone and wanting to try and ensure other families didn't have to face such grief.  If you look at the Bruce Oake Foundation website, and look at their news, you can see how much the family went through trying to get the land rezoned through City Council.  It is actually overwhelming. 

Fletcher said a citizen's group approached him.  I have a hard time believing him.  There may be a small group that approached him and he should have showed leadership then and quashed the opposition.  Instead, he exploited it.  He targeted the elderly and spread his fear. 

And, he never stopped.  One of the last things he did as an MLA was to circulate a 10 page bitter document on "Shady Land Deal".  He held a forum on such but it was just a pretext to get nomination signatures for his candidacy. 

As long as people give him a voice, he will be going off on this forever.  Hopefully, he has no credibility.  Hopefully, he is now fully irrelevant in public life.  Maybe the Conservatives will occupy his time trying to get their signs back. 

Apparently, he wasn't always like this.  Apparently, at one time, he did get along with people.  Those days are past.  He is a bitter divisive man.  I hope I never see him on local media giving his opinion.  I don't want to subject myself to that negativity. 


  1. His misappropriation and use of signs that are the property of the CPC is proof that his ethics are somewhere south of Trudeau's.


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