Why There Seems Like No One to Vote For

I think I have decided who I am voting for in the upcoming election, but I still have time to swing again.  One of the things that has been difficult for me is to understand why fully costed platforms have not been available until today for some parties.  I don't get it.  We have fixed election dates.  The platforms should have been available when the writ was dropped.  However, that is just a personal nitpicky item.

I think the real reason why we have so many undecided voters is what I saw on the news last night.  Trump was doing a rally in Minneapolis.  Meanwhile, innocent kurds are being slaughtered by the Turks because of US withdrawal of troops.  However, Trump was spouting off his nonsense and the line that got the biggest response of the night happened when he made a cheap shot at Joe Biden.  He said Biden did nothing for 8 years other than kiss Obama's ass.  The crowd went wild including the rows and rows of children behind him. 

What a disgusting role model for the next generation.  Politics aside, Vice-President Biden has served his country with distinction for many years.  It is one thing to disagree but having a cheap personal shot is bad for everyone. 

I was involved in student politics.  Something with literally no stakes.  It was messy and made me determined to never get into politics again.  I was called names and people made fun of my personal appearance.  The bullying was so hard.  I remember sitting in a coffee shop studying once.  A group of three people sat next to me.  They didn't know me and they didn't recognize me. All of a sudden my name came up in conversation and all three of them started trashing me.  I was sitting right there and they didn't know how I was yet were repeating some untruths about me.  Again, this was student politics. 

I can't imagine what "real" politicians go through.  Everyone has made mistakes in life.  We need to stop judging people on their mistakes and need to be open to ideas and balances of character.  We need to encourage more candidates.  Unfortunately, potential candidates are turned off my the level of scrutiny and personal attacks.  Many potential great candidates don't want to expose their children to personal attacks. 

We are all losing.  The nefarious actions of Twitter Trump are hurting the world. 


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