White Male Privilege - What Do You Have That You Think People Want?


Shocked.  Deeply saddened.  

His voice became louder and he was screaming.  Almost to the point of frothing at the mouth.  No one was disagreeing with him and he just kept going on as if someone was arguing with him.  Louder and louder.  The reason no one else was talking because it was obvious that he was not going to listen to anyone no matter what they said.  

Although it started with Covid19 being a complete conspiracy.  It doesn't exist.  But, he didn't stop there.  The health care system.  Every politician at every level.  The education system.  Every third word started with F.  He didn't seem very secular but seemed to be defending Christianity.  Attacking every other religion that he had heard of as well as people of colour.  Bigotry.  Very transphobic.  

If it wasn't so horrid, it would be funny.  On one hand, he screamed about how voting rights were being suppressed yet then in the next sentence said he had never voted once in his 55 years.  (How do you go through life without voting?)  He was screaming against religions and then in the next sentence, and in the only one that was said in an inside voice, asked what a Jew was because he didn't know.  The transphobia one really gets to me.  I honestly don't understand how a transgender person impacts anyone's life.  Didn't believe in mental illness.  Didn't believe in medication and never taken a pill in his life.  Never had a vaccine.  As he got louder and the room was silent, he couldn't even stop himself if he wanted to.  He just went full Archie Bunker and threw in hockey helmuts and other things for good measure.  Got most things wrong.  Thought the Mayor of New York was a woman and was very offended that she had a body guard.  Same with the black woman who was Mayor of Detroit.  Couldn't understand whether he was more offended that she had a body guard or that a black woman could be elected Mayor, therefore, proof that elections don't work. His adult son's failings in life were all attributed to not being taught cursive writing and all the systems fault.  

Everything was all in this together in one big conspiracy theory.  

I tell you that is a lot of people involved for it to be a conspiracy theory.  Like millions of people all over the world conspiring against him.  We all know, when it comes to secrets, if you tell more than two people, you might as well tell everyone.  

And a conspiracy against what?  What does he think he has that anyone would want?  Seriously.  

I guess it comes down to male white privilege.  The only demographic that has never faced discrimination solely for being born that way.  Of course, the vast majority of white males don't share this guys bigotry or ignorance.  But, some who have lived with white male privilege, feel oppressed.  They now feel that they can unleash their anger whenever they have an audience.  

Like, seriously, what do you think you have that anyone would want.  


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