Michael Flynn will plead guilty today to one charge of lying to the FBI. This is part of a plea deal. He will plead guilty to a relatively trivial in exchange for something. The news anchors are already so excited that they are not even pretending to be objective. They are assuming that this development will be "consequential" to the Trump Presidency. If anyone has the dirt that can bring down, it is Michael Flynn.
I am not in the least bit excited. We have seen this happen before. We have seen an action that we attribute will be the end of this Presidency. That day has been referred to as "every day of his Presidency". This will also come and go. This Presidency has been like the worst and longest Law and Order episode in history.
I think there is only one person who can bring down the Trump Presidency. Melania. I think we need to appeal to her widely and publicly to leave him. It appears that if she leaves, he will descend into true madness of which he won't be able to recover. A divorced President is something that would not be survivable.
Melania, this has to have crossed your mind. You didn't come from wealth. You came from working class parents and it was your drive and ambition that made you into something. Think of your parents, immigrants who wanted to give you a better life. How is your story different from the thousands of immigrants that your husband wants to ban from your adopted country? His views on woman, his sexual inappropriateness, his denigrating women. You have to be deeply troubled by this. You are the only one he will listen to at this point. You have to know this is wrong. From all appearances, you appear to be a very good mom. Do you really want Barron to be growing up with this as his role model? Don't you want the best for your son? You must be able to see how Donald favors Ivanka over his sons. Doesn't that creep you out just a little bit? You must see how Donald patronizes and dismisses Tiffany. Do you want to take the risk that this is all that Barron has to look forward to. You don't even appear comfortable in your role. It appears you would be rather at home being a mom that being dragged around by this clown. You must have actual dirt on this man, as you don't even appear comfortable standing close to him. I am sure you signed a prenup agreement, but any good lawyer can get more for you and your son, given the circumstances. Even if you are still stuck for cash, I am sure your tell-all book will become one of the biggest sellers in history.
Melania, please. Do the right thing. Walk away from this man. You have done your penance. Surely, you have to believe that the people of the USA have also done theirs.
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