Mommies think; Grandmas know !

My mom had a unique perspective on being a mom and a grandma.  As she married a divorced man who was significantly older than her, she became a grandma before she was a mother.  When I was old enough to appreciate this, I asked her what the difference was between being a grandma and a mom, she said that mommies think and grandmas know.   When I asked for further clarification, she told me that I would figure it out someday.

Today is the day.  I have figured it out and I owe this to my amazing grandson.

All mommies think that they have the most beautiful baby in the world; grandmas know this for a fact!

Mommies think they have to be watching developmental charts, making sure their baby is meeting their milestones.  Mommies think they have to be worrying about their baby's future and they have the responsibility of ensuring their baby has a happy and successful life.  Grandmas know that their bundle of joy will do things at their time and won't waste a precious moment worrying when their can be cuddling.   My son didn't get his first tooth until he was 14 months.  I can't tell you how much anguish I wasted on this as it didn't match what the books said.  I kept taking him to the doctor.  Finally, at his 12 month check-up, our doctor told me that she had been a physician for 27 years and she had never come across a child that didn't get teeth.  So, I relaxed.  At his next birthday, he will turn 25.  I can assure you that he has teeth.

Mommies think they have to be Superwoman and they have to have the perfectly behaved baby and the perfect sterile house, etc.   Grandmas know that this doesn't matter and they love every mess made by their angel because this means they got to spend time together.

Mommies think there is never enough time in the day.  Grandmas know that time goes by too fast so they live every moment they can in pure cherishment of the miracle of life.

Mommies think others are judging them and their actions and try to parent according to the "latest thing".  Grandmas know that others are judging them and they don't care.  They are just happy and know the world is a better place because of their grandchild.

Mommies think they will never catch up on their sleep.  Grandmas know that they will always sleep better knowing that they have a grandchild to wake up to.

Mommies think their child will never grow out of "this phase".  Grandmas know far too well that time passes to quickly and to find every moment special no matter what it brings.

Mommies think they are doing their best; Grandmas know that Mommy is doing a great job and needs to tell Mommy this more often.


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