Why I Blog..........

Last year at this time, I had a medical condition that was causing me a lot of physical pain all the time.  It was sort of exhausting.  I was very uncomfortable lying down so I often slept sitting up in my rocking chair.  So, on the night of the US Election, I started watching coverage of the results and then fell asleep.  When I woke, the tv was on and Trump was declared President-Elect.  I really thought I was dreaming.  So, I got up and went to the bathroom.  I came back, convinced I was awake, but the tv was still showing that Trump was elected.  I thought it was fake news and they were doing a farce.  I kept switching channels in disbelief.  It took me an hour to realize it was true.  I still haven't accepted it.  Even though I am not American, I felt his election was a clear stab at social justice.  I had been noticing different things all that year that I felt were warning signs that social justice was eroding.  I have always considered myself a social justice warrior so I wanted to do something to try and preserve the concept.  

I have worked in health for over a decade and I have tried to champion customer service in health care.   I believe things in health care would work better if health care workers would extend the same basic customer service principles to their patients that exist in other industries.  When I would try to teach this principles, people would tell me that it was just basic common sense.  Of course, I agreed with them.  It was just common sense but it wasn't common practice.  

Last year a man I went to grade school with passed away suddenly.  For some reason, it really affected me.  All of a sudden, it brought back a horrible memory of being a scared child watching my classmate cry at the hands of a bully teacher.  It also brought back another memory of me telling my dad proudly how I handled the situation and he gave me a completely different perspective.  That is the real lesson I learned then.  That, there is more than one way to look at a situation, and often, your perspective determines your reality.  I wrote about the incident and shared it on facebook.  Someone suggested I should write a blog.  

Well, at one point, I did want to become a writer.  I do believe very strongly in social justice and I believe the individual can make a difference to preserve this.  I also believe in common sense and that is often lacking, so I want to start a common sense revolution.  Also, I like it when people disagree with me or have a different viewpoint.  I welcome that.  We need more of that.  We need more discussion of issues from many perspectives.  I don't claim to be right or to have all the answers.  I am just trying to inspire and promote dialogue. 

That's it.  Social Justice.  Common sense revolution.  Different perspectives are healthy.  

No hidden agenda.  I'm not writing to secretly disrespect anyone.  (Well, other than Trump, but, I state that outwardly, it is not a secret.)  I don't want my readers to read anything between the lines.  I am not out to get anyone.  

Sometimes, as a writer, I think a personal story may enhance the point.  But, as a writer, I take poetic licence with these personal stories.   Sometimes, they are not my stories but stories told to me by a friend.  Sometimes, when I talk about a boyfriend or a best friend, it could be my current situation, or it could be an ex from decades about.  My blogs aren't intended to trash anyone or dish dirt on someone, they are intended for people to think.  If you do think that I intend to trash anyone (again, with the exception of Trump), then you really haven't read my blog.   

Social Justice.  Common sense.  Different Perspectives.  

I actually want to bring people together rather than create divisions.    I have had to clarify this because it obviously has not been clear.   Apparently, some (who don't actually read my blog) have been wondering why I write it.  So, there it is.  

Another clarification.   My partner's family is perfect.  They are all honourable every day in every way and have no faults.  I am so beneath them, in every way.  I am in awe of their perfection.  


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