The Emperor has no clothes !
I am so happy to be wrong. Doug Jones has defeated Roy Moore. However, he is still not conceding and is waiting for the recount. Not surprising at all to have this last gesture to confirm he has no class whatsoever. I think, though, it was going to be close, until Roy Moore's wife sealed the deal with her "I know one black person and I have one Jew on the payroll" speech.
The best thing, however, about the result, is imagining Trump sitting at home alone watching tv with one hand eating his third Big Mac and one hand on his phone tweeting. Don't be mistaken. This is a huge loss for Donald Trump. Despite my advise that he should sit this one out, Trump put himself on the line by rallying for him and providing his endorsement by robocall.
At first Donald Trump issued a rather gracious tweet congratulating Jones. Then, he started to take the low road and as the night went on, he did his best to distance himself from Moore. He really is a meglomaniac. He actually thinks so little of the people he is supposed to serve. He thinks their memory is actually less than 24 hours.
His former campaign manager wrote a scathing "tell all" book about Trump. He painted him as a tyrant. I guess he expected this to be an earth-shattering revelation. He said, basically, if you work for Trump, at some point, you will have to face his wrath and his disrespect. Again, this did not surprise anyone, however, the sad thing about this book, written by Cory Lewandoski, was that he still supports Trump. Yes, he gave us some minor dirt, but overall, it was an endorsement of Trump. He still is "ga ga" over his former boss. The one insight that this book provided was Trump actually believes in his gut instinct. He believes that he has more life experience than anyone, therefore, his gut will be right.
I guess up until now he has (unbelievably) been right. He has been allowed a free pass on this gut instinct. Trump is back-peddling a little bit, saying he always knew Roy Moore would not win, however, this time we all remember that his gut was wrong. The people gave him that message loud and clear.
The Emperor has no clothes. The Emperor has no clothes. The Emperor has no clothes. Donald Trump is, among other things, an idiot. He may still think he has clothes, but, don't worry, even if he hasn't got the message, he will. The mid-term elections aren't that far off.
This is a wonderful endorsement against the politics of hate.
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