A New Boss Today

My partner gets a new boss today.  He is so excited and can't wait to get to work to start this new module in his working life.  He had a great relationship with his previous boss.  He really admired her and enjoyed working with her.  Despite this,  he wasn't sad when she announced she was moving on because he was so happy that she was continuing on her journey with a new opportunity.  He has already decided that he is going to really like his new boss. 

I am so proud of this guy and I have to say he wasn't always like this.  He used to not like change and got stuck easily in the ebbs and flows of life.  He used to make up his mind against someone before he even met them. 

What changed? 

Depression.  That may not make sense.  Depression made him positive?  Well, actually, yes.  My partner suffered with depression for a long time.  He was fearful of everything, most of all change, which was problematic.  People say there is only one constant in life and that is change.  He tried to fight change and keep everything the same.  That didn't work out well for him. 

Then, one day, he acknowledged the role depression played in his life.  Of course, it wasn't one day.  It was the accumulation of many days.  He got help for his depression and created a wellness plan with his health care team.  As he tells me, he no longer suffers from depression, he lives with depression. 

The ripple effects of his embracing his depression have been massive and have permeated positively in all aspects of his life.  It has been literally like he dropped a pebble into the pool of his life.  The water circles keep going and going. 

I'm so proud to be with him.  It doesn't really matter what his new boss will be like, he has already made up his mind that she is going to be great !!  What a wonderful way to start the relationship. 

Change is inevitable.  It is going to happen.  That is more than common sense, it is reality.  Life is so much better when you are able to embrace this change.  I can hardly wait to hear about this new boss. 


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