It Was Stupid !

When you get involved in an organization, it is inevitable that you have to attend some meetings.  I attended one this week and came home frustrated.  When my partner asked me about it, I said, "it was stupid." 

It turns out he is wiser than I realize.  Instead of asking me more specifics about this stupid meeting, he told me that my hair was out of place.  It prompted me to go look in a mirror.  My hair wasn't out of place.  Actually, the hair was good but the rest of me looked weary. 

Then, instead of asking me how the meeting was stupid, he asked me to tell him just one positive thing about the meeting.  I had to really think.  Finally, I came up with one thing. He told me to tell him another that was good about the meeting.  I sighed and then I came up with another thing, but this time, I was quicker.  He asked me one more positive thing about the meeting.  I was able to come up with it pretty quickly.   He said, "that sounds like a good meeting,"  Then, he invited me to go look in the mirror again. 

I looked amazing.  My whole demeanor had changed and it was obvious.  The mirror doesn't lie.  My posture was even better. 

It is true.  Positivity is a choice.  If you are looking for what is right, you will find it.  If you are looking for what is wrong, you will find that, too.  Which do you want to look for? 

There are so many times during a normal day when it is so difficult to be positive.  Do it, anyway.  It will be worth it in the long run. 

And on those days that it is hard to be positive, likely no one is reminding you how great you are.  So, you can choose to pick up that slack.  Remind yourself that you are amazing.  Fake it till you make it.. Remind yourself often enough how amazing you are, and you will start to believe it for real!


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