Triggers - Can We Come Up With A Different Word?

It has been a challenging week for me.  I found myself in a situation that I experienced all 24 of the above triggers at one time.  It is good to know what triggers you to be in fight or flight mode.  I have a particular sound that triggers my anxiety.  I have a particular visual stimulation that triggers me.  I have particular behavior in others that triggers me to action.  I know what all of these are, so I have come up with some strategies that I can use when they come up.  It is called coping ahead.  If you know a certain thing is going to trigger an emotional response, you can prepare for this.  So, instead of experiencing a temporary paralysis that made me unable to react, I actually was having healthier responses.  But, when they all happen at once, there is no way to prepare for that.  Your body takes over and you fight or flight.  That often leads to more problems. 

As I have been reflecting on all of this, I realize I hate the word trigger.  I have never fired a gun and have no intention of doing so.  I don't have a trigger finger.  Today, in addition to Valentine's Day, it is the anniversary of the Parkland School shooting.  Whenever there is a mass shooting, gun control comes up.  Those opposed to gun control say that the reason there are mass shootings is because of lack of support for people living with mental illness.  This is ridiculous.  However, word choices are important.  I don't think that people living with mental illness should have this stigma associated with them.  Further, the word trigger just associates images of guns and violence. 

We don't have "triggers" for other diseases, we have risk factors or predispositions towards.  Why is mental illness different.  I wasn't "triggered" this week, I had a whole bunch of complicated factors at once. 

Incidentally, I chose to fight.  Ugh.  I don't like that word either.  I didn't choose violence.  I chose to take action that I thought was in the best interest of the one thing that I am an expert in.  Me. 


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