Burning Bridges?

The Borden Bridge remains just off the highway somewhere between Saskatoon and North Battleford.  It was opened in November, 1936 and used to carry vehicular traffic.  It was a make work project during the great depression.  It was closed in 1985 to vehicles and remains open for foot traffic.  Of course, it is sort of in the middle of nowhere where there would not be any pedestrians going for a casual stroll.  It is probably a safety harzard and there is nowhere to safely park and take a stroll if you desire. 

It was put for sale in 2007 by the provincial government to Orville Middleton for $33,000.  A huge bargain as the bridge was valued at millions.  Unfortunately, no one was going to  pay that for a bridge that had no use.  Middleton had plans to turn the bridge into an open air dance hall.  However, the Saskatchewan Architectural Heritage Society raised concerns about this.  When the bridge was built, it was the longest bow-string arched bridge in North America. For these reasons, the rural municipality would not approve the re-zoning of the bridge.  In 2015, out of frustration and not being able to do anything with the bridge, Middleton put the bridge up for sale for $1 Million.  It has not sold and probably doesn't have any prospect of being sold.  There is also stories of it being haunted. 

The bridge is probably more than a white elephant, it is likely a safety hazard.  I wonder if this bridge is worth burning? 

Are any bridges worth burning?  I think we have all burned bridges at some point in our lives.  I have what some people have called a "large personality".  I don't really know what that means, but I don't think it is a particularly flattering description.  I think it means that I am stubborn and can become easily entrenched in a position.  Have you heard the expression, "is this the hill you want to die on?"  I think I have had many such hills.  When I look back, I am glad I burned some bridges and have regrets for burning others.  Having a "large personality" is something that I have come by honestly.  Both my mother and father had larger than life personalities.  When I think of my four siblings, I have the "smallest personality".  The more people that were at the dinner people, the longer the dinner.  If we had 5 people sitting down to dinner, someone would bring up an issue and we had 5 different perspectives on the issue. 

As I sit here this morning, I am looking for feedback.  I am struggling with the prospect of burning a bridge.  I have two thoughts going through my head.  One of my favorite bosses once told me to treat everyone respectfully in the workplace because you never know who will be your boss someday.  Well, I have tried very hard to do this, but, frankly, some people don't treat you respectfully.  I am thinking of the bullies in the workplace.  There have been many situations that I have felt that I couldn't stay silent when I have felt my ethics compromised.  Has it been worth it?  Sometimes, sometimes not. 

It is really hard to know what is right because I don't have a crystal ball and can't predict the future. Somehow, I have to figure out what is right for me.  I have done a pro and con list and that hasn't been conclusive.   I have lost some sleep trying to figure out how to proceed.  It also reminds of something my father used to say to me when I said I had a headache.  He would say, "be thankful you have something to ache."  That is one of the great things about this thing called life.  There aren't always easy answers.  You don't really know what your character is until it is tested.  My partner has a theme for 2019 and it is focus on abundance.  I have an abundance in my life that I have the ability to think and make decisions independently. 

My theme for this year is scattering seeds.  I am hoping that the seeds I have scattered will grow and I will achieve clear direction. 

*No actual bridges were burned for this blog entry.  I have used the term metaphorically. 


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