Huge Cultural Change Needed at City Hall..........Whose Running?

OMG.  It seems like a long time ago, but a group of private citizens hired a private investigator to look into the PPD of the City of Winnipeg.  The allegations were almost funny.  It spoke to a culture within the department of Inspectors conducting extensive personal business while at work.  Well, we all do that, to some extent.  On-line banking, maybe the occasional shopping, and just goofing off surfing the internet.  I personally have been known to take 1.5 hours for lunch.  Usually, it is after I have put in 3 hours of unclaimed overtime the day before, but, that is not the point.  We all screw the pooch at some time.  However, going home on work hours and mowing your lawn or shoveling your drive-way and doing this between coffee breaks, well, that is a little excessive.  And, in follow-up news stories, this was not surprising to anyone familiar with the department.  At that time, I suggested that this was indicative of a huge morale problem at City Hall in all departments.  It was particularly distressing in the PPD department because this was directly related to issuing permits for housing, etc.  Their low morale and lack of work ethic was contributing negatively to our economy. 

Yesterday, a report was issued by bureaucrats within Manitoba's Treasury Board Secretariat.  It was commissioned by Premier Pallister.  The report has already been described as biased and short of factual data.  However, the bottom line is that the report indicates that unnecessary delays province wide are costing up to $17 M /day to the provincial gross domestic product.  Municipal tax revenues should be an additional $400,000/day.  Read that again.  I had to read it about five times because I kept assuming I was reading incorrectly.  Even if it a quarter of this number, that is a huge sum of money.  I get the fact that Pallister will be using this report in the upcoming provincial election, but, again, even if it is 1/4 accurate, that is too much money that could be used to help our infrastructure, lower taxes, or just about anything. 
Also, the Union representing Transit Unions are using strategies to get their message across that they don't feel heard.  They feel their safety is threatened every day that they work and no one is listening.  I have heard whispers that if all transit workers refused overtime, the transit system would be significantly affected.  What kind of civic department runs that way?  I wonder what would happen if a bus driver stopped his bus in front of his home and took two hours off to mow his lawn?

The Millennium For All Group has serious concerns with the new security at the Library.  I have been to the Library.  Already, there is more security than other employees.  If these other employees are worried about their safety, that is also indicative of a crisis of culture. 

There needs to be a huge culture change at City Hall.   We need leadership who can motivate and increase morale.  That would be a good start.   Anyone thinking of running in the next election?  I would be happy to volunteer to work on your campaign? 


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