West Jet Sale vs Tim Horton's Sale

Let me explain the photos first.  In the first one, my perfect grandson has more toys than he knows what to do with.  He literally doesn't know what to play with first.  In the second photo, he is much more comfortable doing a puzzle with grandpa.  He is only three, but he is already wise and knows what makes him happy.  Hanging out with his grandpa.  In the last photo, there is a picture of the most delicious tiramisu that I have ever eaten.  I would like to say that I shared with my dining companion, but, I was too greedy and ate it myself.

Ok, put those pictures aside for now.

West Jet corporation was sold to ONEX corporation yesterday.  In 2014, Tim Horton's was sold to an American company which also owns Wendy's and Burger King.  The first sale was about survival of a Canadian company and the second sale was about corporate greed.

First of all, in the interest of full disclosure, I have to tell you that I have a nephew that is a flight attendant with West Jet.  What this means is that I have absolutely no inside information at all, but, I do like to tell people about my nephew.  Regardless of my nephew, I have always liked West Jet. It seems like their staff have more autonomy and are down to earth.  One time, when I was leaving Vegas, the pilot came on and announced that the best flight crew that West Jet ever had.....was in the next plane going to Toronto.  It was very funny.  Another time, we had a small delay before departure and the first officer indicated that they were going to try to ensure that we landed on time as "they were going to fly it like they stole it."  Funny.  For some reason, they have stopped saying, Let's get this Boeing Going.  I always thought that was funny.

Regardless, West Jet has always been the little company that could, but, it has been struggling.  It has accumulated massive debt which was driving stock price down and threatening the long-term survival of the company.  The massive debt was causing worries not only for shareholders, but for employees.  Something had to be done, maybe it didn't have to happen yesterday, but it would have to happen eventually.  Yesterday, West Jet, a fine Canadian company, was sold to another fine Canadian company, ONEX corporation.  Rather than having the debt written off, ONEX agreed to honour the debt.  Whoever negotiated the sale for West Jet was able to negotiate no immediate staff losses and no change in headquarters in Calgary.  This sale was about the survival and thrival (not a real word) of a Canadian company.  Stock price has more than doubled overnight.  Of course, it will correct itself, however, by all accounts this is a good sale for both parties.  /Also, this sale, viewed through an ethical lens, seems to be the best solution for West Jet. 

Tim Horton's sales and franchises had rapid growth throughout all of Canada in the 90s and into the first decade of the next Century.  There was no real plan for the growth and the corporation was interested in getting the start-up franchise fee from anyone that it could get it from.  Profits were soaring seemingly endlessly.  But, that wasn't enough.  Pure greed drove the sale of Tim's to the American Company.  Tim's continues to try and manipulate Canadians by tugging on their emotional heartstrings that stem from being proud Canadians.  Even though they were highly focused on profits before, now Tim's is obsessed with corporate greed and has morphed into the Evil Empire. 

Back to the pictures.  In the first one, my grandson had too many options of what to do and he was too stimulated.  He tried to play with all things at once and it didn't work out.  That is what happens when you have too many irons in the stove, so to speak.  You don't have enough energy to focus on the basics.  In the second picture, my grandson is enjoying a puzzle while also enjoying time with grandpa.  It is a simple formula, but it works for both of them.  In the third picture, my greed ensured that a moment on the lips is a lifetime on the hips.  Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins for a reason.  When you act based on greed, it never seems to work out well.  Don't just look at my hips.  Look at Tim's.  Their profits are declining and they are now focusing efforts internationally indicating that their Canadian franchises aren't as profitable as they would like. 


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