Provincial Election Speculation

There is a lot of speculation that Pallister is going to call a snap election rather than waiting for fall, 2020.  I keep hearing this speculation and I don't understand what would be the thinking behind that. 

Elections are expensive.  We are already having a federal election this fall and campaigning has already begun.  Why tax party resources by having two elections at once.  The public would be confused and exhausted.  I'm pretty positive that the only reason Pallister would consider this is because he doesn't think the other parties are ready.  That may be true, but his Party is no more ready.  Basically, through his arrogance, Pallister has reduced the Conservative Party in Manitoba to himself. Also, the reason he got elected last time was because Manitoba typically wants a change every decade or so.  It doesn't really matter how the government is doing, there exists an appetite for change.  Pallister needs to understand that it wasn't so much that he was elected as people were voting for change. 

The 12 things listed above that apply to Trump don't all apply to Pallister.  In my opinion, only 5 of the 12 descriptions apply to Pallister. 

I don't know why Pallister just doesn't serve his whole term and have the election as scheduled.  Having an election soon would ruin some holiday plans. 

Regardless, I am looking for answers.  Why do people continue to speculate that a provincial writ will be dropped before summer?  I am interested and wanting to learn. 


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