
This is a true story. My fiance came to Canada without any immediate economic prospects and no specialized skills. He left his country of origin even though he was not under any political pressure to do so. Even though Canada was allowing him to use all of our resources, such as health care, he did not choose to become a Citizen until 5 years after he landed. He also chose not to seek full-time employment for almost 20 years after landing in Canada; contributing nothing to our economic base.
This is a true story. My fiance came to Canada with his family when he was 4 years old and his father became a Professor at the University of Manitoba. One of his happiest days was when he became a Canadian citizen. Tomorrow, he is accepting a prestigious award from the soccer community for his outstanding contributions as a volunteer. This is only one of the organizations which he chooses to volunteer his time.
This is a true story. I witnessed a murder by the Superstore a few weeks ago.
This is a true story. The collective name for a group of crows is called a murder.
Your perspective determines your reality. There is always more than one perspective to any story.


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