Privacy.....Not that big of a deal

I hate showing my age but not long after my husband left me, I was going through a lot and was reaching out a lot to my very supportive friends by phone. Not only was this before cell phones, this was when cordless phones were new. One Saturday winter arrived with a bang. Cold and miserable and I had no appropriate outerwear for my kids. We went to SAAN and literally nothing remotely in their sizes. We had to go to a sports store and get them beautiful "Columbia" snow suits. They were of highest quality but at that time they cost me more than my very last penny. I literally didn't have access to another nickel. I remember crying to my bff on the phone that, among other things, I couldn't even afford mittens for my kids. 

 At the time I lived next door to an elderly couple who were not very friendly and stayed to themselves and didn't even say "good morning" over the fence. On Sunday evening they knocked on my door with a bag of very much needed bag of groceries and hand knit mittens and toques for my kids in the exact colours of my kids new snow suits. It truly was a gift directly from heaven. I will never forget that incredible kindness. I remember crying and aaking "how did you know?" The wife said they had a scanner and listened to me on my cordless phone. 

 So, I then tried to only talk on my land line. Unfortunately, I was going through a lot and needed my friends and needed to talk to them and when I talk I pace. I decided that if this was a source of entertainment for them then my friends support was more important than my privacy. Let them listen.
Fast forward to today. I recently found out that atleast three people are viewing my profile without being my friend. One is an ex-relationship; one is a family member; one is my source of income. Originally I was "creeped out" a little but now I am actually flatterrd that people have that much time on their hands but I am saddened why they don't actually friend me.
 Anyway, I am in a similar situation. I am in recovery mode and can't sit up just yet. Unfortunately I cant sleep for 24 hours and I am not making any apologies, but I like Facebook!! I like getting my friends breaking news, I like following friends that I would otherwise have no contact with due to distance. I like to cheer for my friends successes and comfort them when they are struggling. I also love getting my friends input into my celebrations and struggles. So, in summary, I will be having a lot of activity over the next few weeks! Enjoy.


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