Health Care Explained

South of my border, the US President is not able to fulfill his campaign rhetoric of scrapping the Affordable Care Act.  It turns out, that health care is complicated.  It actually really isn't.  Health care can be explained in two words:  prevention and intervention.   Give people the tools to prevent them from becoming sick; and then, when they do become sick, treat them.

Health care is simple.   Bureaucracy.  Now that is difficult.

I am in not way trying to trivialize the struggle of a nation to find a way to provide health care to a complex demographic.   Donald Trump has already done this.   Throughout his 18 month ego tour masquerading as a campaign, he trivialized health care.   It was so simple and he would figure it out in less than 30 days.   He hadn't actually looked into it, but he was convinced it was simple.

He obviously did not attend a simple Grade 7 history class where he would have learned that America as a nation has been trying to solve this issue for over a century with President Roosevelt (Teddy not FDR) first bringing this issue to the attention of his nation in 1902.  I'm sure the current President sent an adviser to that class.

How can anyone have the audacity of claiming that he can solve health care when a century full of actual bright men and women have not been able to resolve it.  Why didn't he atleast "look into it" before making such a bold proclamation.  How can the world sleep at night knowing that one of the great superpowers is being governed by a man who uses the Coles Notes version on every issue to make a decision or otherwise makes it up as he goes along.

And so it goes.   A presidency accomplishing nothing but providing fodder for comedians.


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