Bullying in the Workplace

One of the reasons why I enjoy the Saturday edition of the Winnipeg Free Press is the column on workplace issues written by Barbara Bowes.  I have admired her column for a long time and I respect her thoughts and I find she is usually a trend setter in workplace issues.   I have to admit that I was very surprised that she was writing about workplace bullying, particularly bullying by leadership in the workplace.

Surprised, because I thought we were over the issue.  Really, we have spent a decade talking about bullying in all forms and there has been no evidence that this produces positive results.  Many jurisdictions have legislated against bullying in the workplace.   School divisions have spent a great deal of money providing education for all educators and students about the effects of bullying.   To be a volunteer sports coach, you must take education on anti-bullying.  Our workplaces claim to be inclusive, supportive, and tolerant.  

So, why does Barbara Bowes think that bullying by leaders in the workplace is still an issue?  I checked out "bullying" on wikipedia.  I was amazed, just by the table of contents.




  1. I have recently experienced bullying as a leader from someone trying to get me to compromise my integrity for his/her personal gain but couched in terms like it's for a group of co-workers. I'll certainly sacrifice that relationship to retain integrity!


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