Live Life to the Fullest

An acquaintance of mine passed away unexpectedly.  I am shocked by her passing, but I am also glad that she is in a better place and she didn't suffer.  She never got over the heartbreak of losing her husband, so I am happy that can be together again.

Since Hilda's passing was sudden, a lot of people have expressed their thoughts on her loss on a group facebook page.  One of the comments left me breathless.  A friend of mine commented that she will miss Hilda because she inspired her to live life to the fullest.  I had to read that comment five times to make sure that I was reading it correctly.

It wasn't that I had a problem believing that Hilda could be inspiring.  She certainly was inspiring. I was thrilled to watch part of her evolution in the sunset of her life.  I watched her challenge herself out of her comfort zone and to evolve from an introverted serious lady into a self-confident gregarious leader.  She was inspiring.

However, the friend that wrote this comment happens to be the "poster child" for living life to the fullest.   This friend has unlimited energy and a unique flair to her style.  She laughs easily and loudly.  She keeps raising her bar and challenging herself to do more !! And, she is the total package who walks her authentic truth.  I remember a quiet moment between us when she imparted true wisdom to me.  I can't imagine anyone needing to inspire her to live life to the fullest !!  Even thinking of her, I can't help but type exclamation points !!  

Yet, my friend does not lie.  If she says that Hilda inspired her, I believe it.

What this reminds me is that the human experience is universal.  Everyone in the world can be touched by another person's journey.  No one in the world is perfect.  Everyone can use a little inspiration.  Everyone has insecurities.  Every one of us need a little reminder to live life to the fullest.


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