O'Reilly Factor - Did We Win?

Social Justice Warriors have reason to celebrate the parting of ways between Fox News and Bill O'Reilly.  Allegations of sexual harassment against him forced Fox News to axe him from his $20M/year contract.

It seems simple.  Man who shows deplorable conduct loses his job after public outcry.  Power to the People !!

Unfortunately, nothing is simple, and there is always more than one side to the story.  It used to be three sides to every story; he said, she said, and the truth.  Now, it is more like he spins, she spins, and the truth becomes cloudier.

In this case, we have heard more than whispers for several years that O'Reilly has despicable conduct towards women.  This is nothing new.  Fox News has had several opportunities to do the right thing long before yesterday.  They should have taken a stand long ago.  Why didn't they?   Well, one can argue that the public has now become an outcry witness.  However, since this also has happened before, that doesn't seem to motivate Fox.  It turns out the largest advertisers of The O'Reilly Factor have pulled their money.  Since his program was the franchise builder of the Fox Brand, Fox had no choice but replace this program in order to try and survive.  On the plus side, this will eventually lead to the demise of the Faux News Network, but, that will take some time.

It also appears that this is not going to have a negative of O'Reilly.  He now has a twitter endorsement by the Commander in Chief.  Apparently, he still has a huge following among those that voted wrong in the last US election.  He is going to back within the week on podcasts and other forums where he is going to have less checks and balances on his dribble.  He will continue his deplorable conduct.

In this one, Social Justice Warriors may not have won anything.  Again, I don't things are that simple. I think we may have won more than we think.  We now have a movement.  The term Social Justice Warriors has emerged.  We now feel like there is more than a few of us.  We can now be loud and proud.

Before, I felt like I had a right to speak out against social injustice.  Now, I feel like I have an obligation to do so.


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