Phoenix - Hiring?

Fresh off the Bombardier bonus scandal calmed down, a new bonus scandal.  

Phoenix, the new federal pay system, which has never worked properly, has just given bonuses to their middle managers of just shy of $5M.  To be fair, the three most senior executives did not get a bonus (one suspects that they are not suffering), and this was bonuses to middle managers.  

This pay company manages 44 of 99 federal departments.  My guess is that they do not offer pay services to the actual Members of Parliament.  Every employee affected that I have seen interviewed has had a heart-breaking story.  Today, I saw a man being interviewed who was a manager of a Warehouse for Corrections Canada.  He said he has only received half of his paycheck since November.   There have been stories of women being denied maternity leave benefits because their record of employment have been inaccurate.  When you first google Phoenix pay, the first thing you see is "how to contact us if you have an issue with your pay".  This company has been a complete debacle.  

The federal Minister responsible brushed off questioning saying that she had no input in the bonus structure.   That sounds to me like she doesn't actually care about federal employees that she is supposed to serve.  

It is somewhat understandable that a new system would have some issues.  However, this is going on three years and there still remains serious problems.  That is unacceptable.   

The federal government needs to do the right thing.  Cancel the contract with this company.  It is common sense that people should actually earn their pay rather than just show up.  Let alone getting a huge bonus.  If they are unable, by not having spines, to terminate this contract, I would like to know if they are hiring.  I have no experience in payroll but I can't imagine I could be any worse than what is current the standard.  


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