Ruth Bader Ginsburg Replacement


I have watched all the news that I can consume since her death.  I have watched the President accuse her dying wish as being forged.  I have watched the hypocrisy of the Republic Senators and have been angered by their words.  But, after watching and reading everything I can, I have concluded that Donald Trump's nomination will be confirmed before the election.  It is horrific but it is true.  

And, I know that it doesn't really affect me.  I try to imagine myself living in the States and try to feel what I would be feeling. The truth is that it wouldn't affect me that much.  I am a person who has white privilege and all that it comes with.  I assume that would still be the case in the States.  I assume that I wouldn't be that concerned about my basic rights being upheld.  Despite what the President says about the radical left being a deep threat, I don't think so.  Also, I am past the age of reproduction, so those rights are not applicable to me.  

But, I am not the group of people that should be concerned about this.  I worry for my LGBTQ friends who only got the right not to be fired for sexual orientation a year ago.  I worry about young women not being able to have control of their bodies.  I worry about the marginalized.  Those that actually worry about their personal rights.  The only good thing is that for the past 27 years, the infamous RBG has done all that she can to secure and champion these rights.  They won't be undone easily.  

I think the whole concept of justice needs to be looked at in the United States.  Some judges are elected on the basis of their party and are beholden to their donors.  Justice should be blind.  It shouldn't matter what party affiliation you have.  The Supreme Court was meant to be the final appeal for the justice system and should not be an extension of the political system.  

One hopes that whoever is appointed will be guided by justice.  It would be a remarkable sign of this if the nominee would be willing to stay the nomination process until after the election.  That would show true honour.  

I have often thought that once a year, there should be a bi-partisan committee that meets and decides on a few names jointly on the basis of merit should there be a vacancy.  

But, it is out of my control and unfortunately for many Americans, they have to accept that it is out of their control as well.  All they can do is vote as if their life depended on it in this election and every one that follows.  


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