So, I Have These Trolls........


I know of at least three trolls that monitor my social media.  I put on my happy mask and pretend I am not affected by this.  I understand that two of my trolls are just doing a job, so I actually respect them. (It sounds much more mysterious than it actually is.)  

The third troll causes a visceral reaction in me.  Basically, that means my body instantly reacts before I can even think or process. This troll expresses dissatisfaction for my social media entries to another person and immediately I am fearful.  I don't know what exactly I am scared of but I sure put the fitbit to good use as I am pacing for most of the next three days.  

I didn't understand why I was having such a strong reaction until I watched the circus masquerading as the Presidential debate last evening.  I was having the same reaction and I couldn't understand why.  

Now, I get it.  So many parallels between my troll and the Republican nominee. 

Interruption is a basic form of disrespect. When you are interrupted, you are being told bluntly that your voice is not as important as the person talking over you. You are prevented from using words so you are essentially being told that you matter less, if at all. Not interrupting someone is part of the social contract you enter into when you have a conversation.  When you continually interrupt someone, you are saying that the rules don't apply to you.  That you are so special that you are above the rules that parents teach their toddlers. When you interrupt or show no interest at all in someone it is because you feel entitled and you know that you are better than someone.  You think that people should admire you so much that they should just delight in your presence and want to be like you.  They certainly shouldn't have the audacity of wanting to speak

As I watched Trump, I felt the familiar frustration of not being heard.  I also realized that my troll and I have never had a conversation, just a monologue that had been aimed at my general direction.  My troll even negates my value while trolling.  I don't get notified of the troll's dissatisfaction directly.  I have to hear it from a third party.  

Entitled Narcissist.  

Speaking of Trump, of course.  


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