Signifying Nothing - Mueller Report

The Mueller report is out.  Two years, hundreds of documents, staff members, hearings, and on and on.  If you are a Trump supporter, you are celebrating.  If you not a Trump supporter, you are celebrating.  Nothing to see here.  Can you imagine how much money the US government spent on this report?  Millions.  Can you imagine how much good could have been done to help people with even half that money.  The sad thing is that it appears that governments always find money for things like this, and it is always a disappointment.  But, enhancing victim services, just as one example, no, there is no money for that.  Austerity and all that.  There are examples in every government. 

In Manitoba, we are heading to the polls this year.  Pallister and his Conservatives have had a fiscally responsible agenda and made many cuts.  For some reason, when government tries to save 5 cents they usually spend $1 to do it.  One thing that I have learned about austerity politics is that it is not effective in stimulating the economy and not a good role for government.  I can't wait for the election campaign to start asking candidates questions about this. 
Also, in Manitoba, there were rumours last week that Cheryl Lashek was going to get a new job.  Everyone was wondering why that name seemed so familiar.  She is the signature on elevators.  The same day that the rumours were circulating, I was riding an elevator that had past its expiry date for inspection a long time ago.  Quite frankly, the elevator didn't seem safe before I looked at the date.  Over the next week, I have found quite a few past their expiry date, one in a very busy government agency.  The question becomes if elevators are allowed to be used past their safety inspection date, what is the point?  Is there one?  Is this another example of something.......signifying nothing. 

Apologies to Shakespeare. 


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