A Plea to Democrats

I am not an American but I am keenly interested in their politics.  That doesn't make me unique.  People all over the planet are interested in what happens.  Despite the fact that I will be voting in two elections this fall, I am focusing a lot of my energy on the Presidential election in 2020.  I believe everything needs to be done to defeat the former reality star who sometimes lives in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. 

I am hoping the Democrats elect the right person.  However, I have now invested 16+ hours in watching the debates.  4 debates.  3 hours long.  1 hour analysis.  I'm pretty exhausted and in the party's attempt not to be biased and give everyone air time, I am lost.  I literally can distinguish 6 candidates.  And, then a lot of other people talking and saying much the same thing, which is essentially nothing.  No one wants to be too bold.  Prior to the debates, I liked Mayor Pete but he failed to distinguish himself during the debates. 

You just can't have two consecutive nights of debates and with so many candidates.  It is not a debate.  It is just a question and answer session.  People are only focusing on the four front-runners at this point, anyway.  Democrats, you have just wasted too much of my time.  Not that I had anything to do anyway, but, that's not the point.  Someone in the party must show some leadership.  Someone needs to tell the people who are polling at 1% that they need to drop out of the race.  They are just draining funds more donors that could be used for the main fight.  This is not it. 

And, for goodness sakes, Bill De Blasio, what the heck are you doing?  You are Mayor of NYC.  The home of Sex and the City.  That is enough to keep you busy and is a full-time job.  Give up running for President.  You are losing whatever credibility you had to be elected Mayor.  You are losing the confidence of the Nation.  That is not serving anyone.  Drop out.  Now. 

Please get it right.  The world is counting on you.  Please pick the right candidate.  Make it easier on everyone by showing some people the exit door. 

Apparently, the September debates will only be inviting 8 candidates.  That is still too many.  6 would be fine.  3 would be ideal. 


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