Reporting Nygard

I have grown to appreciate and like The Winnipeg Sun.  I was reluctant to read the Sun for years due to their provocative headlines and tabloid look.  But, I was offered a deal that was impossible to pass up so I tried the paper.  Once that deal ran out, I was offered an even better deal, and a few years later, I have become a loyal subscriber.  I have come to appreciate the newspaper, especially their coverage of local sports. 

A week or so ago, they had a full page picture of Peter Nygaard on the front page with the headline, "Is he our Jeffrey Epstein?" 

It is going to take me a long time to forgive that unfortunate cover.  Cheap sensationalism. 
I am more than a person who reads newspapers.  I am also a trauma survivor.  Now, of course, I was not a victim of Epstein.  However, I know what it is like not to get the justice that you think you deserve.  His multiple victims never got to tell their stories in a Court of Law.  What might have been an important aspect on healing was taken away from them.  We try to teach our daughters to be strong and confident, yet Epstein represents one of the worst type of predators.  It reminds us what a scary world it is out there and how money can be used to traffic human beings.  The mere mention of his name disgusts me and I don't think the world needs any more reminders of this evil person. 

And, he was compared to Peter Nygaard.  There are allegations against Nygaard that have yet to be proven.  His lawyers profess that this is the result of a long-standing feud against a neighbour in the Bahamas.  Yesterday, the FBI raided his offices in New York.  It could have been related to his allegations about sexual exploitation of minors, but, I suspect it has more to do with business practices.  If you look at some of the posted videos of him at these "pamper parties", you have a hard time believing nothing inappropriate happened there. 

A picture of Nygaard and a clever headline would have sufficed.  No need to be sensational by adding the name of that other prick. 

Finally, I have been hearing rumblings about Nygaard for atleast six years.  Almost everyone who has met him has a story that suggests some deviant behavior.  I, an insignificant blogger with no power, has heard stories.  I would think that the media also heard these rumblings.  Maybe the Sun or another local media could have put an investigative reporter on him and follow his movements.  Then, this story may have broken years ago.  Some reporter likely would have won prestigious awards for the story.  And, most importantly, maybe some victimization could have been prevented. 

Regardless, it doesn't look good for this designer's business.  Sadly, many talented people may see their employment days numbered. 

The Sun is a reputable news source now.  No need to resort to cheap sensationalism. 


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