Texas Tragedy

Today, we all mourn with the citizens of Sutherland Springs.  26 people confirmed dead.  The youngest being 5 years old.  A number of people still in critical condition. 

A mass shooting never makes sense but we still spend a great deal of time trying to make sense of it all.   I don`t know why we do this.  A mass shooting, by definition, never makes sense.  The President notes that this man had mental health problems.  He called him deranged.  Trump said it is clear that the mental health system failed here and this had nothing to do with guns control. 

I don't like the word deranged and I think that word is dangerous.  More and more, we hear that mental illness is the norm rather than the exception.  Indeed, we have heard from Prince William and Prince Harry about their personal struggles.  No one would call them deranged.  I live with a mental illness.   The thought of harming someone has never entered my mind.  It is cop out to blame the mental health system.  Of course, it is underfunded and there are not enough resources, but it is doing its best.  Gun control may not be the complete answer, but it might help.  I have listened and listened to my American friends who defend the right to bear arms and I try to understand their passion.  I honestly don`t get it. 

I know that stricter gun control would not prevent all tragedy.   Tragic things are a fact of life.  But, it may prevent some, or even one, of these mass shootings. 

We hear now that the motive of this shooter was personal.  Apparently, he was angry with his in-laws and they were members of that Church.  However, they were not in attendance yesterday.  Family relations are often complicated and the in-law relationship seems among the most complicated.  On the opposite end of the spectrum, another female victim was attending worship with her in-laws.  She was there with three of her older children while her husband was home with their two younger children. 

That is how the in-law relationship usually goes.  When it works, it is great.  When it doesn`t work, it is really bad.  It seems like an all or nothing type of thing.  A polarizing thing.  Much like gun control.  Very little middle ground. 

My father used to say that when you marry a daughter you gain a son and that when you marry a son, you lose him.  This must be an old wive`s tale from long ago.  Of course, it is never that simple and never applies in all cases.  Unfortunately, when the in-law relationship doesn`t work, it is usually because two sides are competing about how loves the one in the middle the most.  Pretty silly when you think about it.  What the world needs now is more love going around as some people have no one that loves them, yet we fight with people who love the same person.  I guess people think that if they love someone outside the family, they love the family less. 

The song what the world needs now is love sweet love was written in 1965.   Fifty years later it is still relevant. 

It is really common sense.  Love more. Hate less.


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