119 days

Marijuana will be legal in 119 days or on October 17 for those that are not counting down the days.  I don't really have much opinion of the subject. I guess we should be thankful for our legislation process with all of its checks and balances because it seems everyone was consulted, with the possible exception of those who actually use the substance.  Regardless, the July 1 date with come and go without decriminalization.  I guess in the greater scheme of things a 4 1/2 month delay is not that bad.

The wheels of change move slowly in society on both ends.  

I remember when the Casinos opened in Winnipeg.  It was under a Conservative Government and I believe Bonnie Mitchelson was the Lotteries Minister.  At first, the Crystal was opened and there was a dress code making the argument that it wasn't a tax on the poor.   The NDP were going to shut down all casinos once they got elected.  Well, now we have more gambling opportunities than we need.  No party is talking about closing them down.  They have been huge cash cows for the government.  

We see some provincial governments not excited about the prospect of legalized pot.  Well, give them a couple of years.  Once they start seeing revenues, they will change their tune.  

We have spent a lot of time borrowing from the past and trying to predict the future in this issue.  In the end, it will likely be much ado about nothing.   

Party on, Garth.


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