Time Magazine Cover

Time Magazine's latest cover picture has people talking.

What is shocking to me is that people still buy magazines.  I mean, really?  Who reads print anymore?  I admit that I subscribe to both newspapers in my city, but, sometimes I think I do so just so I can complain about the paper carrier.  It is beyond my control.  It is genetic.  I get it from my father.  He was the nicest, most forgiving man ever, except when it came to his paper carrier.  He was unforgiving.  I am not as bad as he is, but the paper assures me that it will be delivered by 5:30 am.  I just expect that the commitment will be honoured.  When I call customer service, and I press 1, press 2, press 3, etc, when I type in my phone number associated with my account, I literally get a message that says, "Oh, you are one of our special subscribers, please wait for our Supervisor on duty to talk to."  Anyway, I digress.......

So, Time Magazine's latest cover picture is a picture of Trump looking in the mirror and in the reflection, he has a crown on his head.  It means he views himself as a King/Dictator/Evil Maniacal Tyrant/you pick what best suits this in your mind.  He views himself as all of the above.

Ironically, I attended an Adult Sleep Class yesterday.  I have been an insomniac most of my life.  People were sharing the reasons they are losing sleep.  Many have complex medical conditions.  Some have environmental issues preventing them from getting sleep.  Others are worried about their marriages, their debt, or their job security.  I was too embarrassed to admit that I am losing sleep over Trump as President.  However, I am really worried about the planet as long as he occupies the White House.

I wish I could be more like Michelle Wolf.  Well, except for her annoying screeching voice which really can be heard best by dogs.  I think she is very funny but I just can't tolerate listening to her.  She needs to start smoking or something.  Anyway, the reason that I wish I could be more like Michelle Wolf is that she says she hates doing jokes about Donald Trump.  She feels they are just too easy to do and they write themselves so it is not challenging her as a comedian to make fun of him so she ignores him rather than be tempted to do Trump jokes.

I really wish I could ignore him.  I do view him as a joke.  I wish all serious media would also ignore him.  He will look at Time magazine and be happy with it and think, "finally, someone gets me."

Meanwhile, I'm still losing sleep.


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