Kate Spade

Men don't often understand the impact of fashion on women's lives.  Women often don't understand it as well.

Many women understand and love fashion.  Our fashions as do our self-identities.  When we are teens or early adults, one of our life tasks is to question authority.  That is often not as easy as you think.  But, it is easy to do with fashion.  Your fashion serves to show "notice me, I'm an individual" and I like to take risks and think outside of the box.

My mom used to have a lot of influence in my fashion choices.  (Read:  since she was buying it, I dressed according to her fashion sense.)  So, when I was out of my own, I discovered my own fashion sense.  Not the rebel that I thought I was, my wardrobe always had at least a string of pearls, or high heels, or a scarf.

As I age, my wardrobe focuses on comfort or whatever I can find to fit.  My wardrobe choice tells you about mental health.  If I coordinated and have a little extra touch like jewellery and am wearing make-up, well, I'm probably feeling pretty healthy.

Kate Spade was the fashion designer for all that valued elegance.  Understated elegance.  She was a brilliant designer and her lines were hugely successful.  I have had my eye on a particular Kate Spade purse that sells for only $5400 US.  I imagine the price may go up considerably after today.  That's ok.  I still can dream.

I was surprised to learn that she sold her lines of fashion and fashion accessories in 2006.  Last year, she started a new line.

She was 56.  Money was an unlimited resource she had.  She probably had many friends and supporters.  Being in the arts, she would be aware of social supports to help people in crisis.   She was looking forward to building a new fashion empire.

Money.  Status.  They are just that.  They aren't the things that necessarily get you through the rough times.  They don't always make you feel like a complete person.

Reach out to the people you value today and tell them that they are valued.  Also, reach out to the people you don't value today.  They also need to be told they have value.  All of us need to be reminded that we are valued.


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